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Scripture Study

59% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Scripture Study.

Thou shall have power to unfold the scriptures that are contained in the Bible and in the Book of Mormon and in the Doctrine and Covenants, that have reference to the latter-day work.

Study the Law of the Lord and thou shalt know the truth.

In as much as thou art faithful and diligent in searching the Holy Scriptures, and storing thy mind with the principles of the gospel thou shalt be blessed and qualified for thy work, and be able to put to silence the gainsayers of truth.

If you will give your mind to study the scriptures, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine and Covenants, God will greatly bless you and He will open up your mind by the spirit of revelation.

We find in the history in our Bible, Solomon in his day cautioned his congregation to get, whatever they did get, to get understanding. You will have sure foundation if you take this maxim.

Through thy diligence in study and research thou shalt be the means of assisting both temporally and spiritually.

Treasure up much knowledge by study, prayer and supplication.

Blessed shall you be in reading the scriptures and have a keen conception to understand the word of the Lord.

Study the scriptures for in them are the things of God and with a prayerful heart you will be able to comprehend and understand the mysteries of godliness. They will be made plain unto you and will prepare the way before you.

You must study the Gospel.

Apply your mind to the study of the scriptures, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As thou shalt seek knowledge and wisdom from the scriptures and from good books thy mind shall be receptive to true principles and thou shalt have a firm testimony of the gospel and an understanding of its principles and the plan of life and salvation.

Learn the scripture and commit to memory much knowledge that shall be good for you as you fulfill your mission.

Search the scriptures and build up an abundant amount of knowledge that you will be able to confound the wise and wickedness shall flee before you.

Read the scriptures.

Through your study of the scriptures and listening to the testimonies of the Elders in the Church you have convinced yourself that this is the work of the Lord and the way to salvation.

As thou shalt diligently search in the scriptures and seek knowledge, thou shalt be given further knowledge and understanding for thy good both temporally as well as spiritually.

Continue to study the Gospel, that you may be more able to work out your salvation and exaltation. Read the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon for therein is the full Gospel plan of salvation.

Study and learn all you can about the Gospel, that you might be in a better position to aid in doing missionary work.

I say to you to continue to be a good student of the scriptures so that you will have a thorough understanding of the household of Israel.

I bless you that you will build your knowledge and strength. Continue to study the Standard Works daily and make them a part of your armor; that you will know what to do and what not to do and to build your strength through doing right things, for you are capable of great things.

Read the scriptures, ponder them in your heart prayerfully and diligently and your mind will be opened that the mysteries of the gospel will be made plain to you that you.

I admonish you, all the days of your life, to study the Gospel of Jesus Christ and know the scriptures.

I would encourage you to read the literature of the church, read the Scriptures, and pray about the meaning and understanding that can be received therein.

Develop a foundation that is secure and fundamental. Read the scriptures. There is much in them that you will enjoy and there is much the Lord desires you to learn, and pattern your life after that of the Savior.

As you prepare spiritually and devote yourself to learning the scriptures, the plan of salvation, the principles of the gospel, you will surely be an effective emissary of righteousness.

Be diligent in your prayers and in your study of the scriptures, that the Holy Ghost may give you impressions in your daily life, that you may receive the direction your Heavenly Father desires to give you and that you may be close to Him here.

Make it a part of your life to designate a certain amount of time, regularly, to study the principles of the gospel, that you may gain an understanding of them and be fluent in their explanation unto those with whom you come in contact.

Inasmuch as thou shalt search the scriptures and seek knowledge, an understanding and knowledge of the principles of the gospel and the plan of life and salvation shall continually be increased unto thee.

You know the oath and covenant of the priesthood found in the 84th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants beginning with verse 33. These are fine scriptures to learn and to see the wonderful promise that can come from God.

Your preparation for doing the work you are sent here to do shall require you to read the scriptures daily.

Through studying the scriptures and daily prayer, become familiar with the life and mission of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Study also the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith and those who sacrificed so much to make it possible for us to have the blessings of the gospel.

Through study and prayer you shall gain an understanding of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Study the scriptures absorbing the knowledge contained therein so you will know your part in the fulfillment of the blessings promised these great Patriarchs which will take place at this particular time.

Read the Bible and get to know what these blessings are and how important they can be to you. You are an Israelite, a Hebrew and a Semite. These names apply to the see of Abraham. As you read of this in the Bible so it is that you will realize the importance of these names in your life.

They are choice blessings and many will be recognized as you study and ponder the scriptures.

You must pursue an in-depth study of the scriptures, learning principles which are taught by the Savior.

Continue, therefore, to study the scriptures and all those things that the Lord's servants have to say and to give unto you in council and advice.

Take the time to study the principles of the gospel, and become an expert in that area. I bless you that in years to come, as you search the principles of the gospel, you will give attention to those passages that pertain to the blessings that are yours through this lineage.

As you study the scriptures come to understand the blessings and promises given unto these patriarchs and know that those same blessings are yours through our faithfulness. Be grateful for the scriptures and recognize the importance of the scriptures in your life. If you will daily study and ponder and pray about he scriptures your mind will be opened and you will receive revelation and will understand those things in the scriptures that apply to your daily life. You shall become an instrument in the hands of our Father in Heaven to bless others with understanding as you teach and as you understand the scriptures. Study the life of the Savior and pattern your life after His instruction, draw close unto Him and you shall hear His voice and shall feel His influence. Study the Book of Mormon, that great witness that Jesus is the Christ and live by the principles and the precepts to be found therein and use that book as you seek for answers to questions and solutions to problems.

Read the scriptures on a regular basis, particularly the Book of Mormon.

Read the things the Prophet says whenever you get the opportunity. Read the scriptures and pray unto your Heavenly Father that you may understand them and that you may use them in your life.

You will find the answers to your problems by reading, studying, and pondering the scriptures. Especially by reading and pondering the pages of the Book of Mormon which testifies of Jesus Christ.

As you go forth to serve, prepare yourself by studying the Book of Mormon in great depth.

Study the scriptures daily.

You need to become wise and learned in the scriptures. They need to become a part of your life, for they will bring you truth, knowledge, understanding and testimony, and you will be able to teach from the scriptures throughout your life. Study intently.

Seek learning by study and also by faith. God will impart unto you added knowledge and wisdom as you seek learning from good books. Read and ponder the scriptures and make them a part of your life. The Book of Mormon will become especially meaningful in your life. You will draw strength from the experiences of the prophets and their writings.

I bless you with a greater understanding of the scriptures as you read and study them.

Daily study of the Scriptures will enlarge your Soul, increase your Wisdom, help you Solve problems and meet the challenges in life.

Study the scriptures that have been given.

Study the scriptures. Prepare yourself so that our Heavenly Father can use you as an instrument in his hands for accomplishing a great good.

Continue to search out of the best books, His Holy Scriptures.

Study the scriptures.

I bless you with a great love for your scriptures, that you will study them, and ponder them, and pray over them.

Make the scriptures a constant part of your life. From them you will glean an understanding of the Lord's plan for His children, and the great love He has for you. You will comprehend that you are on earth as part of a divine plan to fulfill the full purpose of your creation by gaining a body and applying eternal principles to your life.

I bless you with a desire to study the scriptures. Again, seek after those truths that will be beneficial to you and your family, and also to those that you meet and teach.

I bless you with a desire to study the scriptures and to follow the counsel and direction of the prophet here on earth.

Be a student of the scriptures. Read the Book of Mormon over and over.

Read the scriptures and do all that you can so as to be pliable in the hands of the Lord; that He might make you into the type of son that He wants you to be.

As you search the Scriptures you will come to learn your duty and the importance to act in all diligence in every calling.

Use the scriptures in teaching your children.

Study the scriptures, learn of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

You will have a proper understanding of the principles of the gospel. You will comprehend their true meaning as you study. You will retain the thoughts you learn and they will be treasured in your heart until the day you are required to use them in the defense of truth.

Study the scriptures and the Lord will help you to feel close to those that you will read about so that you will know instinctively the circumstances that the scriptures come from and that they will be a source of strength and comfort to you.

Study the scriptures and Church magazines. And as you study those sacred words, I bless you that they will become a delight to you and a comfort that you will look forward to daily, for the words will distill upon your soul and give you insight into even the mysteries of heaven.

Recognize the need to read and ponder and pray over the Scriptures, so that as you study these things you will gain the knowledge and have come into your heart and mind those things that will allow you to receive guidance and direction throughout your life.

I bless you with a love of the scriptures and an understanding of them.

I bless you to have a love for the scriptures and to use and ponder them daily, and constantly in your heart, and a profound appreciation and love of your Savior will be there, for all that he has done and will do for you.

As you continue your study and prayer of the Gospel, you will be blessed with an understanding of the teachings of the Gospel.

Treasure up the words of Christ as uttered by the ancient and modern prophets found in the scriptures and as revealed in these, the latter days, by the living prophets as they address the people of the world during conference.

I bless you that your mind will be open and attentive as you study the scriptures and promise you that if you will ponder them and pray about them, you will gain an unshakable testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.

There are many things you can do to be a spiritual person on this earth and gain the spiritual knowledge you need. Develop a system to read your scriptures daily.

You are encouraged to continue to read the scriptures and to strive to understand the teachings of the prophets.

Seek for those gifts that you would desire to have as you read of them in the scriptures.

Through regular study of the scriptures and the teachings of the prophets, gain an understanding of the plan of salvation.

Search the scriptures; read and pray for your testimony to be strengthened especially as you read and study in the Book of Mormon. Moroni promised that by the power of the Holy Ghost you may know the truthfulness of all things especially the Book of Mormon.

Be sure to study the scriptures diligently. As you study and pray your heart and mind will be opened.

Constantly study the Scriptures so that you will better discern between truth and error.

Seek the companionship of the Holy Scriptures. The Book of Mormon will testify to you, over and over again, of the goodness of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I bless you with the will and desire to grow through reading and understanding of Gospel teachings.

Expand your mind and knowledge by study and also by faith. As you do this, Heavenly Father's Spirit will be with you.

I bless you as you study the scriptures and the principles of the gospel that your heart will be open to the truths that are contained therein and that your mind will be able to envision that which the Lord wants you to know.

I encourage you to study and memorize the scriptures that you may remember them when you teach.

I admonish you to continue to study the scriptures that you will be well versed and that you will know and understand the principles of the gospel.

I bless you to search the Holy Scriptures faithfully and prayerfully each day, and the Holy Spirit will teach you the fullness of the gospel.

Study the scriptures intently and ponder upon them to understand and receive the great council that only the Lord can give you, which will be a source of strength to you as you journey in mortality.

Read the scriptures each day and pray for understanding for there are great gems in the scriptures that will bless you throughout your life if you apply them to yourself.

Support your husband in establishing and maintaining within the family personal and family scripture study, and family home evenings.

When you want our Heavenly Father to talk to you, open the scriptures and He will talk to you through the scriptures and you will feel it in your heart.

Study the scriptures daily.

I bless you to begin a habit of reading from the Scriptures daily.

Read your scriptures.

I bless you with a strong desire to study the scriptures, wherein the scriptures you will find the answers that you are looking for, that will give you the joy and the happiness that you truly seek and need in your life.

I bless you to be diligent as you read your scriptures in preparation for the time that you will receive the Melchizedek priesthood.

Throughout your life, prayerfully study the scriptures, and continually strive to learn more pertaining to the many responsibilities and obligations which are yours.

The scriptures will unfold as you study and the Lord will speak directly to you through the Holy Spirit.

It will be a pleasure for you to share with others the things that you learn as you study the scriptures.

Keep the Lord in your life on a daily basis by daily scripture study.

Be faithful and continue to learn and study the scriptures

I bless you that you will mature and study the gospel.

Prepare for those things that lie ahead through righteous living, through study of the scriptures and through prayer.

You will use your Priesthood to grow in knowledge of the scriptures and gospel. You will collect on these promises and blessings by reading the scriptures and reading good books.

We bless you that you will seek to learn from the scriptures.

I bless you that you will know the scriptures well because you will love the scriptures and will read them endlessly. You will read the conference reports and make them part of the personal reading you assign yourself. You will make time to read, ponder, and meditate on the scriptures and the gospel. You will be a learned man. You will read, study, think, and ponder, and it will bring you great joy in your life.

Continue your preparation by regular scripture study, particularly the Book of Mormon, a lifetime pursuit.

Study the scriptures.

Study the scriptures. Look to the heavens for guidance, search the scriptures and prove yourself through diligence and service.

I bless you that as you strive to become familiar with the scriptures and to study them diligently, even to make them your friend, the Lord will bless you greatly with peace and with understanding.

I encourage you to remember important gospel truths: remember the importance of reading and studying and pondering your scriptures every day.

It will be important for you to come to a deeper understanding of the scriptures. Read them from the point of view of how they affect daily life here on this earth. You will be strengthened by the example of those in the scriptures who overcame difficulties.

I bless you to recognize the importance of the simple private religious practice of daily scripture study. As you spend time with the scriptures each day you will sense a nearness to God which you otherwise will not have.

Through study and prayer and keeping the commandments the great blessings and promises given to Abraham will be effective in your life.

You should read the scriptures daily.

Acquire knowledge and wisdom through earnest study and prayer.

As you build your foundation on the Savior, and as you discipline your life and continue in study, feasting upon the words of Christ, your mind will be enlightened.

I bless you as you continue in Church activity and in private religious practices, particularly morning and night prayer and daily scripture study, that your witness of the reality of God and of the saving role of Jesus Christ will grow and strengthen.

Read the scriptures often and learn the words of the prophets, that you might know the things that you should do.

You will gain in your ability by your study and prayer to meditate upon the truths of the gospel.

Study the scriptures and Gospel topics.

Read and teach the word of God contained in the holy scriptures to your children and they will remain protected from the challenges of life.

Read the Book of Mormon every day. You can find the word of God not only in the scriptures, but in the teachings and words of the modern-day apostles and prophets.

Blessing #25
Study the scriptures, and in doing do, you will realize more your responsibilities with our Heavenly Father.

Blessing #94
You will be blessed as you read and study the scriptures to understand the meanings.

Blessing #20
I bless you to have a love of the scriptures. You have a spiritual gift to understand the scriptures, and I bless you to remember to read them regularly.

Blessing #21
I bless you that you will develop a strong desire within your heart and soul to learn all you can about your Master, that you will study His teachings, restored gospel, and example, and that you will incorporate into your life those principles of the gospel that will enable you to qualify to live with Heavenly Father in the eternities.

Blessing #24
With the special gift with which you have been endowed, the capacity to receive spiritual insights, you will become a gospel scholar. You will find joy in your study of the scriptures and other good books.

Blessing #49
Develop gospel scholarship by reading and by studying the scriptures daily. You will find your own experiences described there. You will find counsel, solutions, and the word of the Lord will tell you everything that you should do. To read His words is to hear His voice. Study, read, and learn, for it is as if you were being taught at the feet of the prophet.

Blessing #74
Prepare yourself to serve through study and prayer and faith.

Blessing #80
Prepare for your mission daily through the scriptures.

Blessing #273
Be able to truly go forth to study hard, to read the scriptures daily.